Call for Papers

All respected authors are invited to submit their original research papers/manuscripts, cases and working papers within the broad spectrum of the conference theme. However, we will accept papers themed around, but not limited to, the following three tracks:

1. Innovation, Digitalization and the 4th Industrial Revolution: This track will cover topics on how the fourth industrial revolution will shape the future of businesses and how Bangladesh is embracing the changes through effective digitalization of processes and systems.

2. Sustainability and the SDGs: This track will cover topics and discussions on the SDGs and Governance and how Bangladesh contributes to the “Transforming the World Agenda: 2030”.

3. Globalization: This track will cover topics and research on internationalization, regional cooperation and connectivity, the strategic positioning and emergence of Chindia, the effectiveness and opportunities of the regional trade blocs etc

Manuscripts will be accepted from any areas in Business and Management including:

+ Economics
+ Business
+ Accounting and Finance
+ Banking
+ Supply Chain
+ Operations
+ Human Resources
+ Marketing
+ Information Systems
+ Global Business
+ Social Enterprise
+ Entrepreneurship

Interested authors can also submit cases to be considered for presentation during the conference.

Selected papers/cases will be considered for publication in the Journal of Business Administration, University of Dhaka and/or the South Asian Journal of Management published by AMDISA and will be a special edition of the conference papers. However, the authors would need to submit the papers to the editor of the respective journals and the papers/ manuscripts/cases will go through the regular review process in order to be considered for publication in the journal.

IBA, University of Dhaka

Dhaka, Bangladesh

December 20, 2020